Am 17. August erreichte uns diese Email von Schwester Hilda mit einem kurzen Statusreport.
Gesendet: Montag, 17. August 2020 um 11:27 Uhr
Von: „Holy Cross Sisters Zambia“ <>
An: „‚Martin Juda'“ <name@anonym>
Betreff: Greetings from Zambia
Good morning Martin
Greetings from Zambia. I hope you are keeping well in the midst of the Corona. Here the Corona is everywhere and the Government is not sure how to go about it. So, we just live trusting God that we are safe.
The schools remain closed apart from examination classes. Here in Lusaka, we closed again for two weeks because we had a child who came out positive to Corona. We open next week.
I wanted to let you know that Sr. Regina has gone home to German for a holiday until late December. I hope the Corona will be finished by then.
Greetings to the family from all of us here.
Sr. Hilda